Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Peace through understanding Criticism.

How easy it is to find faults with others !
Obviously, because everything is outside. Eyes look outside, ears hear sounds from outside, in fact all our senses are outside oriented. That includes knowledge – the great ego builder, that mutely certifies criticism !
If you are excessively guilty of fault finding, I'd say don't be. It's natural. Understanding it would be better.
Suppose you have a burning sensation inside your chest, you'll neglect it. If you ponder on it, you may learn the truth – and that could be bad for your lifestyle. You'd know you would have to change your diet and maybe even give up smoking or drinking. That would be bad. Pop in an anti-acid instead, even as a placebo it'd help. Or maybe consult the doctor. Anything's better than looking inside.
Inside is, in fact, all that matters… If it's Peace you're looking for. Introspect and you might find a monster, worst than you could imagine. Someone you'd never want to be associated with ! Somewhere at the back of your mind, you know the horrible monster you are, and obviously don't want to meet this monster- in fact nobody would. So you wear a good guy mask, justify your actions and thoughts, then, you are worth befriending. Now continue living a bogus life- fooling everyone but never completely fooling yourself.
Just throw the mask, start criticizing yourself as thoroughly as possible. Two things will happen, one- you start improving yourself as you expected of others and two- you'll start accepting yourself the way you are !! Then something great will happen, and you'll be astounded ~ you'll find a true friend. A friend who likes you the way you are and not the person you were always impersonating.
Most thoughts are fantasies, where you are the hero. Alternately, you are the victim of circumstances or at the receiving end of some evil deed. Blame it on destiny, what can you do, it's fate after all. There are lots of bad guys out there, you are the poor good guy- so criticize them. You feel justified, you have passed the verdict- they, all of them, are bad ! Of course, if nothing at least you'll kill time. If you introspect you'll probably realize you had it coming or you'r plain lazy. Maybe your own relationships are shallow but you expect committed relationships from others. Who knows what you'll uncover.
The inner voice is a blunt judge, very undiplomatic, just too truthful for your comfort. It's never wrong, it has all the facts as they are- no affidavits needed. There's no need for an advocate, jury or even a hearing. The verdict is always sinister, you are the culprit. Avoid it, down with it, kill it. That’s easily done- find faults with others, the voice will drown in your din !
The implied, twisted logic is, if they are bad then you are good. "I'd never do what they did". Note how easy it is to ponder on something bad done to you. Note how you report it to others. The event consumes our entire mind, it's like meditation, no other thoughts can penetrate. It goes on and on.
Don’t you have better things to think of ? Have you never hurt anyone ? Hasn't someone said something kind to you, appreciated you ? Nevertheless, the hate emotion is stronger, more powerful- you'll go back to it. You are in the right this time, so rub it in. If thoughts focus on ones own follies, it will cause disturbance and unrest. Then you'll have to improve yourself and accept some awful verdict ~ better avoided.
To face the truth is an ugly proposition indeed. However, here's how you can negotiate it, without self ridicule. First, find two good things about your tormentor. That should not be so difficult, nobody is 100% bad. Then find two similar faults with yourself, do this without putting yourself in totally bad light i.e. without a clinical dissection. Now, you have offset his one fault against two of your own. Further, you have graciously put him in good light, with two of his better qualities. Next, think about it for a while. Nothing bothering you now ? Why live in the past, to suffer and hate.
Lets experience bliss in the NOW !

The author is indebted to 'Reiki' (the art of self healing) and
Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh (the late modern contemporary Guru).
Some good reading…